After-School Program
Permission Slip:
Click Here or on the picture above to access the permission slip required for students to participate in any of the After School Programs.
Please note, nearly all information can be typed directly into this form from your computer, with the exception of any signatures. After typing in the bulk of information, the form must then be printed and signed before handing in to the school.
Programs and Active Days:
(Click on any activity to see more information)
All programs are from 3:15pm-4:30pm:
3:15-3:30 - Snack
3:30-4:30 - Program Content
Tuesdays & Thursdays (after the 1st of the year)
Judo is a martial art taught by accredited and trained individuals.
The instructors come to The Maritime Academy and instruct students in the correct ways to utilize Judo in order to become more disciplined as students and as individuals.
Due to the nature of this program, it requires the completion of an additional permission slip, which can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. 
Wednesdays (after the first of the year)
In Choir, students are directed through songs in their vocal range.
In Drama, students learn the elements of a play, and how to act it out effectively. They are coached by Mr. Marcus and Ms. Vascik.
Tuesday and Wednesdays (after the first of the year)
Any student needing math assistance in grades 6-12 can stay after from 3:00-4:00 to get help from Mr. AlMoussa. This is a great time to ask questions, catch up on work, and/or learn concepts you are struggling with.